Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I am a Taxi/ Summary

       So far in I am a Taxi, Diego decides he wants to make up a plan, so he & Mando can escape. He tells Mando about his idea but Mando doesn't approve. "I'm going to stay with Rock, help him carry the coca paste out of the country to the lab." Mando said. He basically doesn't want to go back with his father in prison living in a cell. Mando stumbles, dropping all of the coca paste. Rock yells at Mando to get on his feet even though Mando damaged his ankle. As he yells, he hits them with the butt of the gun. Mando then tells Diego he wants to help him make up a plan to escape. 
         Some conflicts in I am a Taxi, Mando and Diego find a tarantula then decide to keep it until they have a plan figured out. They decided to hide it at the edge of the camp, then put some sticks around it, to keep it hidden. Rock then comes and thinks that Mando and Diego are being suspicious and stealing their paste, he starts asking questions. Diego and Mando start running out of his sight, trying to get away from Rock. They come to a bridge where there is a rope in order to get to the other side. Mando then grabs the rope and starts swinging thinking he can get to the other side, but then Mando's hand slips off the rope and he falls all the way down to the river. Diego is then discovered there, yelling for his best friend to get up, but he doesn't. The leader whose name is "Smith,' takes Diego by the shoulders and takes him back to camp. Diego starts to cry & yell, begging them to let him go, but they send him to do more work.

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