Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Life as We Knew It/ Character Analysis

Miranda wanted the guards at the hospital to deliver a message to Peter, (Miranda's mom's boyfriend) that her mom had twisted her ankle but the guards said, "We can't leave our post to bring someone a message." So, Miranda waited until her brother Matt showed up. Then, the guard realized that Matt was one of his students, so he let him go on inside. Matt had delivered the message to Peter and Peter was in such a rush to get to Miranda's mom, he told Miranda to hook up her bike onto the bike rack on the car to get there faster. The text states, "Hook it up to my car, I have a bike rack."
When they got home, Peter put an Ace bandage and wrapped up Miranda's moms' ankle tightly. The author writes, "Don't even think about stairs for a week, stay in here."
       Horton is the family cat. Horton has unbreakable bond with Jonny. In the book, it says that Horton will always sleep with Jonny or at dinner be sitting on Jonny's lap while he eats dinner. Horton is comfortable with anyone, as in the story it says that he will curl up with anyone, and just fall asleep. 

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